Posts Tagged ‘Joshilyn Jackson’
Silent Night
We had snow today. And a Christmas concert. And did I mention poison ivy? (That would be me.) And I have finished an entire draft of my novel and am now laboriously working my way through revisions. (Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone.) Which all goes to explain why this post is late. And also, why it…
Read MoreMoney Where My Mouth Is
There are lots of things I keep meaning to do lately, but never seem to get around to actually doing. That’s particularly true when it comes to my writing community. It seems there’s always something else more pressing (deadlines, soccer games, homework help, actual sleep) or that requires the same financial resources (again, soccer fees,…
Read MorePink Socks
Hey there. I had such grand plans for this blog entry –brilliant posts about tea, or riding, or reading and riding and letting go. But then I caught a cold, and the Slobbering Beast cut his foot (I don’t think he even noticed, but it looked as if Jason had visited our house) and I…
Read MoreWhat Do NYT Best-Selling Authors Have in Common? (Or, How Surreal is This?)
The Salem Lit Festival was this past weekend and yours truly got to go. It was a fabulous event that managed to be both high-powered and intimate. The panels were smart and informative and well run, and down the street there was a brand new candy shop. I listened to Julia Glass and Brunonia Barry…
Read MoreBlast-Ended Skewts and Dogs for Rent
This is Harley. Harley came to us when he was an adorable puppy and looked like this. Now he looks like this. Harley has many positive attributes. He is firm in his belief that the only good squirrel is a dead squirrel. He thinks teenagers should have 9 p.m. curfews, and if their parents insist…
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