Pink Socks

Hey there.  I had such grand plans for this blog entry –brilliant posts about tea, or riding, or reading and riding and letting go.  But then I caught a cold, and the Slobbering Beast cut his foot (I don’t think he even noticed, but it looked as if Jason had visited our house) and I wound up taking a week off from running because every time I went outside I sounded like Typhoid Mary and I was worried the beast would be crippled for life.

And then I went yesterday, and it was hard.  In fact, since no one under 18 is reading this blog (also a post for another day) I can say that, without a doubt, it sucked.  It was still cold and I was slow and I couldn’t get out of my own way and when I was running up the very last hill, I seriously considered just stopping.  But then I remembered how, in my little group of friends who run, I am low person on the totem pole, clawing out my miles each week just to stay there.  And how the person who wasn’t even ON the totem pole just went out and ran a 5k, so my status is in jeopardy.  So I kept running, and while I wouldn’t say it ever actually got easier, I finished.

The thing is, I am at that point in my writing, too.  I just finished a good section of my story, and I have been polishing it and playing with it until I am reasonably pleased, and then I had to put that section away and start another chapter and it is hard.  (And yes, I realize everything is relative  and my worst hard writing day is so much better than the type of awful day many people have on a regular basis, but it was not good.)  I wrote 1200 words yesterday and wound up deleting 800 of them, and those last 400 are on probation too.

Eventually, I will find my way and my rhythm.  I’ll put up enough words that I can see the ones that belong, and someday I will be happy with this section too.  But not today.  Which is why instead of a scintillating blog post, I am offering you … pink socks.

Actually, they are red, because in the heart of New England that's how we roll.

Fans of Joshilyn Jackson will realize I am completely stealing this.  For everyone else, pink socks are the glorious and entertaining stories that never quite get told over at Faster Than Kadzu.  We may read about them, even glimpse them, but the pink socks never actually materialize. Instead, Joshilyn waves very shiny things in our general direction to distract us.

So, for starters, did you know Miz Jackson has a glorious new book out?  And she’s running a very fun virtual booksigning? (Although I would love to participate, I’m buying my copy this spring at this wonderful book store, which is now for sale.)

Also, Writer Unboxed is running a portion of its auction again.  If you are a writer, this is a great way to win some exposure and support one of the best writing communities on the web.

And speaking of community, Vaughn Roycroft, who is always the first to give a shout-out to other writers, has a spanking new website out that is totally worth a look. Go see it and tell him I said hi. : )

Finally, in the more good news category, author Sarah Pinneo, who runs the extremely helpful blog Blurb is a Verb, had her book Julia’s Child release this week.  I snatched it up immediately, and am having a blast reading it.  She has a wonderful voice and totally nails the Oh My God Are Those Organic Carrots Really $200 And Are They Worth It  vibe.  (And, little note here — one of her reading partners is the lovely Rosemary DiBatistta, who just signed her own THREE book contract.  Wowza!)

And finally for real, someone pointed out that I didn’t provide a link to my Pinterest boards, so I  put it in my sidebar.  I hope to see you there.  And next week, Pink Socks!

Liz Michalski


  1. Rosemary on February 7, 2012 at 12:50 pm

    Hey Liz,

    Thanks so much for the shout-out! I’m also having fun reading Julia, and can’t wait to try the recipes.

    (Also psyched to check out Vaugh’s site.)


    • Vaughn Roycroft on February 7, 2012 at 12:57 pm

      Thanks, Rosemary, for being psyched! Love your website, and congrats on your awesome deal! Guess I’d better check out Julia’s Child now. 🙂

    • liz on February 7, 2012 at 9:22 pm

      Congrats again, and thanks for stopping by!

  2. Vaughn Roycroft on February 7, 2012 at 12:51 pm

    Some weird stuff happened to get me here today. First, I’m having a crappy day (and hadn’t thought to don my pink socks, but will remedy that). I didn’t sleep well, and I’m slogging though a really fine beta reader’s notes, yet again tweaking the endlessly revised book one of my trilogy. Just not feeling it.

    I was thinking I needed to read an uplifting post after lunch. Checked my email and fb… Nothing. My wife said today’s WOOT tee shirt would make me smile, so I went and looked (it’s cute, but hardly enough to lift my spirits). While there, something made me click on an old email link to check for spam, and there was the Secrets and Obsessions email link. Your email notification has always made it into my Outlook, so this is really unusual.

    And I was feeling your pain, regarding the run and the slog of work when you’re not feeling it. Just what I needed. Then I came across your kind words and the link to my site. I’m actually smiling. For the first time today. Just what I needed! (Well, that and the socks). Thanks, Liz. You rock!

    • liz on February 7, 2012 at 9:22 pm

      Glad I could help! And I hear you on the slogging. (The socks are pretty darn cute, but not as cute as the small person wearing them.)

  3. Jan O'Hara (Tartitude) on February 7, 2012 at 9:54 pm

    Ooh, thank you for reminding me. I meant to link to Vaughn.

    Re the running: doesn’t peer pressure help, not just with running but any challenge? I try to surround myself with people who are always a little better/ stronger/ faster, etc., so I can pull myself up to their level.

    • liz on February 8, 2012 at 10:12 am

      The peer pressure is what makes me put on my sneakers, for sure. (That and the fact that I like to eat.) I would need a jet pack, however, to get up to their level.

      But I know what you mean, and I definitely do the same thing, particularly with writing…

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