Archive for January 2012
Pin This!
I am a late comer to the social media bandwagon. I just joined Facebook a few months ago; I’m not on Twitter. But I have to admit — I’m pinning like crazy. Remember the collages you made as a kid, where you ripped all the things you liked out of a magazine and glued them…
Read MoreBalance
If you are a slightly shy person with introvert tendencies, publishing a book will not change that. You will simply become a slightly shy person with a book to sell (and, if you are lucky, a large poster of that book to hide behind). IF you are really, really lucky, you’ll get to take that…
Read MoreNobody Likes A Wet Dog, And Other Catch Phrase Creepage
We’re doing some spring cleaning here, and I’m trying to wrangle all the books back into their respective homes. The baby books we can’t bear to part with go in the basement (Carl’s Birthday, anyone?), the books we love the most go in the living room bookcase, the kid books and the books I don’t…
Read MoreOnce More With Feeling
I hate revising. I put it off by doing everything else possible – I clean the bathrooms, fold laundry, ask for more freelance work, write my blog posts in advance. The cleanliness of my house is inversely proportional to how much I need to revise, and man, is my house clean right now. My office…
Read MoreResolved: Or Death by Family
We had a lovely holiday, and are still digging out and trying to find the floor, which is covered in mounds of presents from the generous family and friends who seemed to think Santa needed a little help. My kids are lucky enough to have been ‘adopted’ by several close friends, and now own enough…
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