Resolved: Or Death by Family

How to lose five pounds in my house.

We had a lovely holiday, and are still digging out and trying to find the floor, which is covered in mounds of presents from the generous family and friends who seemed to think Santa needed a little help.  My kids are lucky enough to have been ‘adopted’ by several close friends, and now own enough Star Wars gear, gorgeous clothing and toys to pay for college.  I’m waiting for the day my daughter announces she wants a pony, because I know exactly who will buy it for her and who will supply the fashionable equestrian outfits she’ll need.  (Note to those I’m talking about: The pony is living at YOUR house this time.)

I’d planned to come back refreshed and ready to talk about New Year’s goals and resolutions, but I’m feeling a little frazzled so I’m going to make it quick: in 2012 I want to run 12 miles without stopping, write more, and lose those last sticky five pounds.

I’m halfway to the first goal, so adding just a mile a month should get me there, right? (I’m not trying to break any speed limits — I just want to run it without passing out or falling over.)  For the second, I’m using the advice in this article.  And for the third?  I’m going to have to move.

I made the mistake of mentioning the goal in front of my family on Sunday.  On Monday, they bought me a gingerbread birthday cake a week early, served pizza and lemon truffle cupcakes at lunch, and decided to hold a sundae-making party before our regularly scheduled family movie night. Next year, I’m getting smart — I’m announcing that I’m giving up buying shoes, and seeing what that gets me.

I hope your holidays were lovely, and that your own resolutions are proceeding smoothly.  Feel free to share them, if you like!

Posted in

Liz Michalski


  1. Vaughn Roycroft on January 3, 2012 at 10:48 am

    I saw the Rachael Aaron article, too. I’m not entirely sure I want to write more words per day. After all, I’ve spent two years sorting through the too-many-words I wrote the first go-around. My resolution is to live in the moment. I want to live every day, every hour, of the coming year, rather than being so forward focused. That won’t help me with my sticky five pounds (or is it 10?), and these days I walk rather than run (bad knees). But all I want is to spend more time smiling than frowning. I think it’s an achievable and worthy goal. Good luck with yours, Liz (and with that coming pony 😉 ).

    • liz on January 3, 2012 at 9:22 pm

      Vaughn, that is a wonderful resolution, and one I’m going to adopt, too. It’s so easy to get sucked into worrying about the future. Time is going by fast enough here without any help from me. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Karen on January 3, 2012 at 11:18 am

    How crazy! We have the same goals! 🙂 Except that I’m going to attempt 13 miles, and lose 8 pounds. Good luck to both of us!

    • liz on January 3, 2012 at 9:21 pm

      You always have to show me up, right Karen? : ) We should start a weekly support group!

  3. Jan O'Hara (Tartitude) on January 3, 2012 at 11:44 am

    12 miles? That’s awesome. Go you!

    I know what you mean about the temptations when you’re trying to eat well. It’ll be easier when the kids are back in school. Right?

    • liz on January 3, 2012 at 9:21 pm

      Sadly, I haven’t run 12 yet, so I do need to go! And I don’t know about the lack of temptation when they are in school — that just means more for me!

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