Posts Tagged ‘writing’
I’ve finished a project. It feels odd to type those words, because I’ve been working on it for so long. And of course it’s not really finished — it’s just resting with someone else for a bit. I’m nervous and anxious and a bit at a loss for what to do with all this mental…
Read MoreFeed and Water
I read this post a few months ago, and it has stayed with me almost every day since. It is so hard in today’s society to do something you are passionate about that doesn’t produce a dollar return, to make time for something just for the sheer joy it gives you. To give that something…
Read MoreKeeping Your POV True
Point of view is on my mind this month. My friend Vaughn Roycroft wrote an excellent post on head-hopping that you should read. And as I am deep in the midst of my own head-hopping with my current book, I thought I’d share my favorite tips here for any writers who might be going through…
Read MoreInspiration
It snowed here last week — crisp and white and heavy. I’d planned for a snow day and finished my work early, but the kids wound up having school. And so I found myself with several whole hours and nothing (besides laundry! writing! dinner!) to do. I decided to play hookie and go for a…
Read MoreFinding Your Way
Sunday I went letterboxing. Letterboxing, for those of you who might not know, is like going on a treasure hunt in the woods. You have a map, and hopefully a compass, and you search for hidden boxes that contain rubber stamps, which you then stamp into your notebook. I had volunteered to lead a Girl…
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