I’ve finished a project. It feels odd to type those words, because I’ve been working on it for so long. And of course it’s not really finished — it’s just resting with someone else for a bit. I’m nervous and anxious and a bit at a loss for what to do with all this mental space. I finish a freelance project and turn around to poke some words on my manuscript into place and remember that I’ve sent it off. I pick up a book to read and don’t have to put it down because it’s 10 p.m. and I haven’t made my word count for the day. I can read my favorite authors again without worrying I’ll be influenced by their voices.
What will I do with all this head room? For now, I’ll let it be. I’m organizing my physical space — I promised myself if I finished writing this month I’d clean my office and closet (how sad is that for a motivating goal?) — and in a bit I’ll organize my brain, too. I’ll read plotting books, research the idea for a story that’s whispering in my ear, and maybe take a few workshops. But for now, I’m trying to let my brain be still, let the writing muscles rest so that they’ll be ready when I need them again.
Congratulations Liz! Huge relief. I finished my six year “project” too. Sunday. We are in the same place. What do I do now?
Cathy!!! If it’s the project I’m thinking of, that’s a huge accomplishment — congratulations! (And I have a GREAT new project for you. He’s sleeping at my feet.)
I just finished a big project, too (though it was nonfiction) and my brain definitely needed a break. I’ve been reading novels, watching movies, hanging out with my family, and taking naps. But I’m SO ready to jump back into my fiction writing!
Congrats on finishing, Melissa, and good luck with your next fiction project. I hope you enjoyed your down time! (Naps sound particularly good right now.)
Congratulations! Just enjoy! Between projects, I’d take the opportunity to catch up with friends.
Is that a hint, Lorrie? If you can make some time in your schedule, I’m in!
Yep, that’s the project all right. I think lorriethomson has the right idea…lunch soon, Liz!
So long as we can include the four-legged ones, Cathy!
Congratulations, Liz! It’s been so long, so I guess one of the things I do in between writing projects is to get in touch with long lost clients and friends! Also, do some Pilates!
That sounds lovely, Adrienne! I miss your pilates class.
Congrats, Liz! I love when a new story is germinating in the recesses. Enjoy!
Thanks, Vaughn. (And thanks for checking in during such a tough week.)
You’ve earned your rest. Congrats on finishing! Since I’ve never had a space between projects, I don’t know, but I’m looking forward to finding out.
Hope it comes soon for you, Jan!