Emerging From the Man Cave to Announce A Winner
This weekend I took my mother and my daughter to the MFA to do cultural-type things. We visited a fashion photography exhibit, saw the new Art of the Americas wing, had lunch, drooled over the John Singer Sargent portraits (my favorite painter) and then went home. It was all very civilized and lovely.
In my absence, I’d suggested the boys go purchase a new bed for my son’s room. He’s turning six today, and his legs were almost hanging off his toddler bed. I’d picked out a few styles and made mature, rational arguments for why the bed should be small and white. The boys listened, and then they bought — a black bed. An enormous black bed that my son can barely climb into. Instead of the baby blue polka-dotted sheets I’d chosen, they came home with sheets covered in sports logos. In navy. To go with the black bed. (Fine, the manufacturer calls it espresso, but trust me, it’s black.)
The white bed, I was informed, was covered with pink sheets and pink bows and was far too girly. I pointed out that sheets can be changed, bows can be removed, but no luck. They weren’t budging. “I am a full-grown boy now,” my son told me. Right. A full-grown boy who will need a boost into his bed for the next six years.
To add insult to injury, they went and got haircuts, too. Not at the stylist who knows to trim only about a quarter of an inch at a time, but to somebody who cut my baby’s hair short AND shaved the sides. But the worst, the absolute worst, is this:
That’s right. Instead of selling the toddler bed, they chose to give it away. TO HARLEY.
Obviously, I can never leave them home alone again.
Postscript: Random Number Generator chose …. CharmingBillie! Congrats on winning The Other Life! I’ll be doing another giveaway shortly, so don’t forget to come back. (I’ll need another reason to emerge from the man cave that has become my home.)
Love this! Harley looks quite handsome in his new toddler bed, and Alex looks happily buried in his man-bed!
I live in boy town, seems like. 🙂
That is what you get for trying to some culture– boys will always bring you back to their reality!! (Although, I have to say that the Cars bed totally suits Harley)
I think he actually needs a motorcycle bed!
I live in boy town too and there is NO WAY any of the seven would sleep in a white bed. Just absolutely no way and I know better than to even suggest it. Harley looks very very cute in his new bed. Looks to me like everyone is very happy!…well almost everyone 😉
Hooray! I am really looking forward to the book.
Also, I must say Harley looks like that bed was made for him. 🙂
We must be in synchrony! There are man-cave issues in my home, too.
I have to admit the boys’ choice seems more practical than white, and a footstool will cure the boost. Harley, however, is too funny!
Okay, ladies. My husband paid you to leave these comments, right? 🙂
I know you’ve moved on and I’m supposed to be commenting on your latest post, but I could so relate to this! Left to their own devices our boys would have done exactly the same thing, and I have to admit our dogs would be in heaven on that car bed. My husband would most likely have been the culprit on that one. You should see the kingly beds our dogs have now!
Oh, if you have not read any Henry and Mudge books to Alex you should drop everything and do so now. Even shovel yourself out if you have to. He will LOVE them!
I am all into “repurposing”, and I think Alex made fine use of his toddler bed. The Espresso is better b/c that is the last bed you will ever buy him (he can take it to college with him). He never could have taken a white one to college. Spend your money well and you’ll spend it once.