Where You'll Find Me, Now and Then
Libraries. I love them. You go in, sign a piece of paper, and they let you take home books. For free. As many as you can carry. (And I can carry a lot.) How insane is that? Not just books, either. CDs, DVDs, even art. Museum passes. Again, all for free. Show me your library,…

Stealing Words
I’ve been struggling with what to say about the disasters that seem to be pressing in on every side these days. Sitting in my quiet kitchen, a snoring dog at my feet, they seem very far away. And then I pick up my children from school and my heart constricts at the pain another mother…

House Cleaning
I’m not talking about my real house today (although I should — it is in desperate need of a spring cleaning). No, these are house keeping details of the cyber variety, so bear with me. I’ll be doing a few more book signings this spring. Next week on March 23rd, I’ll be at the Peabody…

Walkin' the Talk
I have books all over the house, with the possible exception of the guest bathroom. Mostly, I try to keep the books I wouldn’t want my kids to read stacked next to my bed. But sometimes I forget, and leave a book I’d prefer my daughter not to delve into out in the open, where…

Join Me for Coffee?
I’m over at Sia McKye’s Over Coffee blog today, talking about making sure my world stays larger than size of my monitor. Stop by if you get a chance. And remember, you have till Monday to comment and be entered to win a copy of Wake.

If You're Under 18, Stop Reading. Seriously.
This post talks about censorship, sex and drugs. You’ve been warned. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what’s appropriate for kids to read. Partly, it’s because I have a book of my own out, and I’ve seen Evenfall listed as YA (Young Adult) in a couple of places. Every time I see that, or…

Second Star to the Right
Last night my son woke up around 11 p.m.. He was talking loudly and stumbling a bit, and we raced up the stairs to see what was the matter. Fever? Stomach bug? Instead we found him in the bathroom, struggling to get his pajama bottoms off in time. He wasn’t quite awake, and after he’d…

The Grand Finale
RJ Julia is to books as Nordstrom’s is to shoes. (My husband gets very nervous whenever I type a sentence like that, but it is true.) It’s filled top to bottom with interesting, intelligent people talking about books you never knew you wanted but suddenly just have to have, and I can never go home…

Pictures, As Promised
I was a reader well before I was a writer, and curling up with a good book is still one of my favorite activities. I usually have a stack of books scattered around the house. (And now that my daughter is just like me, those stacks are precariously high.) If I had to choose between…

Warning: Graphic Picture!
I know, I’m really stretching out my five minutes of fame here, aren’t I? It is just that it’s been a little chaotic lately. For those of you have e-mailed me, Harley is fine, truly. His ear still splits open and bleeds, but I think it bothers me much more than it bothers him. And…

An Earful
Good morning! (See, my early tv show experience has made me perky before noon!) I have lots more to tell you about last week, but today I am over at the fabulous Tartitude for the second part of my interview with Jan O’Hara. There’s lots there about Harley too, and a cute picture in which…

Wounded! (And Last Week, Part 1)
Poor Harley came back from the kennel missing a small chunk of his ear. Apparently he was rough-housing and it got a little too … rough. It’s very strange — he’s the third dog I’ve had of this breed (he’s a mix) and every single one has wound up missing a section of his ear…