Catching My Breath…
It was a crazy two days, overwhelming and awesome and tiring and energizing all at once. In the panel with Meg Mitchell Moore and Jael McHenry, my advice for those new to the conference was to take a few days to mull over what they’ve learned. That’s what I’ll be doing, but I wanted to…

Line of the Week
(Overheard at swim class) “So what have we learned today? That’s right. We’ve learned not to swim with our mouths open while chewing gum.”

Riding That Success Train
The ever-charming and entertaining Joshilyn Jackson posted a blog post today that started me thinking. I’m the kind of person for whom “good” is not usually “enough,” and my definition of success is constantly being adjusted upwards. It’s a good thing, having goals, but there’s also something to be said for enjoying the moment, for…

In Case You Were Wondering…
Yes, I went out with the Girl Scouts. And yes, I managed to get us lost DESPITE PRE-HIKING THE TRAIL. Gah. Technically, we weren’t LOST, as I told the small child who timidly asked me. We knew where we were, and we knew where we wanted to go, we just didn’t know how to get…

Finding Your Way
Sunday I went letterboxing. Letterboxing, for those of you who might not know, is like going on a treasure hunt in the woods. You have a map, and hopefully a compass, and you search for hidden boxes that contain rubber stamps, which you then stamp into your notebook. I had volunteered to lead a Girl…

Spring Haz Sprung
I went for a run this week. It was cold and raining, and uphill both ways (okay, maybe it just felt that way) but it was the only day this week when I could do a real run outside. (I did not take the slobbering beast, because while he’ll spend hours outside in the snow,…

The Kool-Aid, I Am Drinking It
You know how I’ve written that I prefer actual paper books to these new-fangled electronic readers? And I do, truly. Except that, um, I may have seen the light a little. I’m using my Kindle to read drafts by other writers, and my IPad when I need to read a book for my book club quickly,…

Scooby Dooby Doo, I See You
Every other week I spend a few minutes volunteering at the school library. It’s a fun, quiet half hour for me before I walk down to the Kindergarten class and the controlled chaos of a swarm of six-year-olds. I chat with the aide who runs the library (she’s a saint — the librarian position was axed…

Yep, That's a Good Day
Conversation with the smallest one: “So, did you have a good day?” “Yep.” “What did you do?” “I flirted. Then I tooted.” ‘Nuf said.

Write Hope
There’s no words, really, to cover what’s happened in Japan. I could try — words like horrific, heart-rending, and tragic come to mind — but they’re just words, black dots on a computer screen, typed from the comfort of a warm, safe office. I look at the pictures in the news and then at those…

Random Woos and Bad Big Brown Dogs
I know, I know, I’ve been slacking. I started out with such good intentions, but somehow my three posts a week have dwindled to an anorexic one or two. I promise to be better in April. It will be SPRING! and WARM! and everyone will be HAPPY! (Those of us who live in New England…