One Last Time

Roses and Lavender and Clematis, Oh My!

Can you bear just one more garden photo?  For me?  It’s so rare for everything in the yard to be blooming at the same time — either the roses have been eaten by the aphids, or the lavender has keeled over and died — that I’m really enjoying this week.  My husband jokes that if I could, I’d plant the same five plants over and over again.  But I LIKE them.  And when they all play nice together, it’s a glorious thing.  Unfortunately, it only lasts for about 30 seconds in New England. But I’m pretending it will last all summer, and that the blue birds currently checking out the house will stay, and that the hummingbirds will hang around too.  This is why I write fiction.

The farmer’s market was fabulous, and if you live anywhere near Salem, NH, you should check it out.  My favorite discovery was Boggy Meadow Farm cheese — I’ve managed to blow my whole caloric allotment on one package.

In a few days I’ll be putting up my summer Farmer’s Market schedule — hope to see you at one of them!

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Liz Michalski


  1. Mom on June 21, 2011 at 10:59 am

    Beautiful…and the Treadwell sign really makes it just PERFECT!

  2. Rosemary on June 21, 2011 at 10:26 pm

    I love the clematis climbing up the charming little trellis. I planted a clematis a decade ago that has yet to bloom. It just makes lots of pretty green leaves!

  3. liz michalski on June 22, 2011 at 8:09 am

    That’s better than the one that wound up in the compost pile for me last year….

  4. Linda on June 22, 2011 at 9:06 pm

    If you stop by Reilly’s Summerseat Farm, Mike’s dad can plan a garden for you so that something is blooming all year round (even in winter)!

    • liz on June 22, 2011 at 9:49 pm

      His farm looks absolutely gorgeous — I’m jealous of the raspberries. (And the 37 acres!)

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