The Best Laid Plans

Harley gnawing on the leg of a dinosaur.

I had plans for this post.  Big plans.  I wanted to do an update on the slobbering beast.

Or maybe talk about what I learned at last week’s panel on diversity in YA books (featuring the fabulous Cindy Pon).

Or even discuss where the heck the sun has gone, and when it’s coming back. (Humidity today was 94 percent — it makes running feel as if you are slogging through a bowl of Jello.)

However, none of that appears to be happening.  I have set a self-imposed deadline of X number of pages by June first, and to meet it I’m going to have to get serious.  There are soccer matches, ballet recitals, and birthday parties clamouring for my time too.

Instead, I’ll point out a few shiny things in the hopes of distracting you until next week:

Do you read Erin Morgenstern’s Flax Golden Tales?  If not, you should.  I’m addicted. (She has a book coming out in the fall that is going to be HUGE.)

Orangette (I use her cookie recipe for every book signing) posted a video that made me smile.  He’s always been a storyteller first in my mind, and I love listening to his music when I run.

Finally, author Joshilyn Jackson wrote a hilarious post over at the Lipstick Chronicles about the private code words her writing group uses.  I’m thinking about stealing a bunch of them.

Happy weekend!

Liz Michalski


  1. Vaughn Roycroft on May 20, 2011 at 6:59 pm

    Okay, you distracted me. In so many ways. Let me count them: First, great shot of Harley. Now that’s a face with a lot of expression!
    Second, the jello analogy reminds me of one we used to debate in college, about whether or not you could swim out if you dove into a pool filled with jello (there were lots of angles and variables: temperature, state of solidity, the presence or lack of fruit, etc. This may or may not have been under the influence of…oh, nevermind).
    Third, is X number of pages referring to the Roman numeral ten? If so, it’s in the bag. 😉
    Fourth, it was my first, but not last, time reading Flax Golden Tales, so thanks.
    Last, among Orangette’s favorite things in the link, I totally agree with her about the new Fleet Foxes album, which I can’t stop listening to. (Agree with you about the Boss too.)

    Good luck meeting your goal (amidst the chaos), and thanks for the shiny distractions! Happy weekend back, Liz!

  2. liz on May 21, 2011 at 1:50 pm

    Vaughn, The swimming discussion cracked me up and brought me back to my college days. And glad to share Flax Golden Tales –Erin’s book is going to be amazing and I can’t wait to read it.

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