In Case You Were Wondering…
April 21, 2011 / /
Yes, I went out with the Girl Scouts. And yes, I managed to get us lost DESPITE PRE-HIKING THE TRAIL. Gah. Technically, we weren’t LOST, as I told the small child who timidly asked me. We knew where we were, and we knew where we wanted to go, we just didn’t know how to get there. A woman with a better sense of direction than me (read: a sense of direction at all) managed to navigate us back to the trailhead, and I figured it out from there.
So I’m thinking about Jan’s comment in the previous post and wondering if perhaps it would be a good idea for me to outline my next story after all. 🙂
Posted in Completely random
I am SO directionally challenged that I get lost in my home town on paved roads with plenty of signage.
Not sure what that says about my writing. . .
Rosemary, if we ever meet, let’s promise to bring the GPS.