The Darkest Month
I have a friend who thinks June is the darkest month. The kids are out of school, tourists crowd her tiny town, and she’d like nothing better than to curl up in bed with the air conditioner on high until September. (This is not me, I swear.) Another friend can’t stand December and all the…

It snowed here last week — crisp and white and heavy. I’d planned for a snow day and finished my work early, but the kids wound up having school. And so I found myself with several whole hours and nothing (besides laundry! writing! dinner!) to do. I decided to play hookie and go for a…

Got Nothing
Except two article deadlines and a sick child home with me. It’s amazing how quickly the whole idea of ‘balance’ can be thrown out of whack by a bad cough and small fever. I’m grateful it isn’t worse, and until I have the time to post something more profound, I wanted to show you this:…

Writers these days are funny people. (Perhaps they’ve always been.) I spend hours at my computer, creating imaginary people, and then a few hours more interacting with other people who, for all I know, may well be imaginary too. (Have you seen some of the Face Book profiles out there?) It’s a life wholly of…

“In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.” ― Anne Frank Because to believe the alternative is unthinkable. Kudos to those working to make the world a safer place. We owe the children who were murdered and the teachers who died defending them nothing less.

Stabbed Through the Heart
This is the view from the parking lot of my children’s preschool. It’s a magical place, where every single teacher is amazing beyond words. I hike nearby, and sometimes I’ll stop in for a little-kid fix. I love watching the three and four-year olds tippy-toe running, their hands outstretched, confident someone will be there to…

What to Eat, Watch, and Give This Year
The tree is up, the outside of the house is decorated, and the holiday cards are in process. Every year, December seems to go by faster and faster — the month hasn’t even started yet and I already can feel the days slipping away. I want to pay attention to every single second this year.…

Run Your Own Race
I am, as I may have mentioned a bazillion times before , not the fastest runner. I’m not even the second, third, or fourth fastest. And yet, when I’m out running and I come across another runner heading in the same direction, I get this insane urge to try and keep pace with them, to…

This Post Was Eaten By A Killer Whale
A very bright kid I know likes to share what he calls the “irrelevant statement of the day” every time I see him. I’m stealing the phrase and using it here, because this blog post is a digression. Today I’m not talking about writing or kids — I’m talking about killer whales. Okay, it’s not…

Woolly Mammoths
So, today there was no school in our town, since several of the schools are polling locations. Normally, I am happy happy happy to have my children home, but today, I was looking at three deadlines that raised their hairy eyebrows and leered menacingly at me. Not to mention that I am doing a pretend…