You Can Run, But You Can't Hide
I am one of those annoying people for whom nothing is ever good enough. YOU may be fine, but I am always too fat, too short, too shy, too whatever. I’ll never parent well enough, run fast enough, or write successfully enough to be happy with myself. And nothing you can say will make me change my mind.
BUT. SECRETLY. I am vain about one thing — my research skills. Silly, I know. But several of my first jobs required copious amounts of research, which had to be done precisely. And a later boss (with whom I am meeting this week — YAY!) was a stickler for research. You might be dead, embalmed, and living in Peru, but he would still expect me to track you down for a direct quote if I mentioned you.
So tonight I am writing thank you notes to the many, many people who have been kind to me this week, and one of them appears to only exist in cyberspace. Do I let this go? Noooooo. I spend an hour cross referencing every possible combination, and after researching college (!) job history (!) and phone bills, I do in fact find my person.
Husband: So, did it ever occur to you that they may be hard to find for a reason, and will be freaked out by your note?
Me: Crickets
Husband: I thought not.
Ha ha. Liz has mad stalker skillz. And to think you didn’t strike me as the type. 😉
LOL, Liz! You eez scary (and sweet!):)
Columbo Lives!